My how time flies! Things change so fast and its inevitable. We don't mind change at all. As a matter of fact, we believe in change or we would not be in the profession that we are in!! People change all the time as well as systems and processes. We just have to decide if we want to change for the better.
I like to believe that I make changes to better myself or to enhance my life. I think of it as adding value. If something is NOT adding value to your life then it is taking away. We get to decide what to cut out of our lives to maintain a value added system!! Complete Circle Counseling & Coaching is getting ready to start it's 10th year of existence! We are going to celebrate the entire month of August 2019 with an open house at both locations and offer lots of treats! We have so many things to celebrate. 2019 is going to be a great year! Our Wichita office is located downtown and is surrounded by lots of great energy! The location can be found on our Wichita page. We will have a celebration there just after the first of the year in 2019! I hope that everyone will take inventory on what is going on with their lives and decide if everything in it is adding just enough value. If NOT...then transition. You will not regret it! Remember change in our lives does come with a price but it is not always monetary. Value for the positive or negative is always something to consider as we make changes! If it's not a positive change...then it is depleting some type of account. Emotional bank accounts can be hard to balance but we are in charge of those accounts!!
AuthorRebeca Sandoval ArchivesCategories |
HoursBy appointment
Telephone620-259-7993 office
620-694-4078 cell |